Google's Feature - Google Gadget Ads

Monday, August 18, 2008

Google has launched Google Gadget ads. Gadget ads are suppose to be a mini versions of websites. Google claims that these kinds of ads are more advantageous in the following ways:

1. Beyond Rich media advertising with Websites within websites:
As said earlier gadget ads are mini versions of websites. These ads are designed in such a way as to fit all adsense sizes.
2. Dynamic and Creative Advertising:
Gadget ads can be designed applications including data feeds, maps, Images, Audio, Video, Flash Flash, HTML or Java Script in just a single Creative.
3. Google Network:
This ads can run on the Google Content network as its the largest adnetwork on Internet, you have a possibility of reaching huge and verity number of customers.
4. Community of Engaged users around your Brand:
users can post and share about your gadget ads anywhere.
5. Reporting:
Tracking actions site by site is possible.
6. Policies:
Their are some policies to for google gadget ads like
a) Animation is restricted to a maximum of 15 seconds
b) Audio effects must be user-initiated
c) Users must be given the ability to mute all sounds in the ad
d) Your ad must clearly and accurately describe your business, product, or service and identifying the sponsor for the ad
e) Ads may not contain links or interactions which directly initiate the download of a file or client application.


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